
Using Direct Mail For Acquisition And Retention

Optimizing the acquisition and retention of your customers remains a primary goal of any small business.  Attracting a new customer is five times more expensive than marketing to existing ones. Not only do existing customers cost less but they spend more. It’s much easier to sell new products to customers who already have a relationship with your company – they tend to be more loyal which means they are more likely to refer new customers.  Here are some things to consider:

  • 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your existing customers.
  • Increasing customer retention by 5%will increase your profits from 25-95%.
  • 14% higher response rate from consumers whom receive direct mail from a familiar company.

Most newly acquired consumers are unfamiliar with your company. Use direct mail to solve this. Each direct mail piece needs to concisely describe who you are, what you do, and include a compelling offer.  A campaign focused on retention can help you build the relationship with existing customers. This can be done by introducing new products, sending exclusive offers, or suggested add-ons to products they purchased in the past.

 Using Direct Mail for Acquisition

  1. Get recipients attention. 82% will receive at least one minute of attention.   
  2. Concisely summarize who you are and what you have to offer.
  3. Communicate what’s in it for the customer. Include brief list of benefits to show consumers what they will gain.
  4. Close with a strong call-to-action.  79% will take immediate action from a mail piece.
  5. Convey a sense of urgency.  Include a limited time offer to take advantage of the offer.

  Using Direct Mail for Retention

  1. Personalization. 90% of respondents reported that personalization made it more likely to open a direct mail piece.
  2. Customize the offer. The benefit to having an existing customer base is that you have past purchase history information, use it!
  3. Include a special promotion. A special offer for valued customers will make them feel singled out and are more likely to buy into the offer.

Be sure to make the most of your marketing dollars by capitalizing on the power of customer acquisition and retention available through Direct Mail Advertising.

