
Back-To-School And Beyond

Seasonal Engagement for Every Small Business

With fleeting attention spans these days, there’s always a shiny new object threatening to lure your client base away. Want to keep your customers? Keep connected!  The seasons provide an ideal platform for staying regularly connected. Seasonal engagement naturally maintains an active connection with your customer base throughout the year. Every couple of months, your contact reminds them of the value and benefits of your products and services.

As the seasons change, needs and wants change accordingly. Be the first to remind your customers about upcoming changes and seasonal events that affect their lives.

Along with the message, offer a special promotion that coincides with the seasonal happening. What better way to keep customers tuned in to your particular messaging! The customer is rewarded through the connection, and you become their primary source for changing trends.

Best Ways to Engage

With seasonal engagement, you’ll need to select marketing platforms that are responsive in a timely manner and quickly adaptable. Cost-sensitive options for small businesses are social media, email blasts, door hangers & flyers, and direct mail. Social media and email campaigns are great for targeting current fans and followers, but reaching and engaging new prospects is key to growing any business. Flyers are effective tools for conveying information, but your audience is limited to the geographical area you can reasonably target on a limited budget.

Direct Mail Delivers

Use direct mail when promotions are time-sensitive and you’re watching your marketing dollars. Looking for the most cost-effective options? Look into shared mail. Money Mailer, for example, delivers monthly shared ads for about 4 cents per home. Each season…or even every 30 days, if needed…you can switch up the message that reaches thousands of potential new clients in your local area.

Back-to-School Season is Here

Speaking of seasons, sorry to all the summer fans out there, but back-to-school is already upon us. Now’s the time to spread the word about promotions that affect every family this time of year. Need some fresh ideas?

Tis the season for great deals on: haircuts, dental visits, auto repair, and clothing.

With the kids out of the house, it’s an ideal opportunity for discounts on: painting, remodeling, carpet cleaning, window cleaning, decorating, and home repair.

Everyone wants to fit in their end of summer celebrations at all their favorite restaurants! Keep promoting your patio space.

And don’t forget to reward all the moms for successfully surviving yet another summer: nail salons, beauty salons, coffee shops & cafes, girls night out, and spa day.

Every season of the year is a new opportunity to turn up the volume and keep your best customers tuned in.
